I had an ” Ah-Ha” moment!

Life with God is not immunity from difficulties, but peace in difficulties. — C.S. Lewis

When I was in England the Church I attended had a part in the service when people were encouraged to come up and share what God was moving them to share.

Then I attended Church on line and they had a part in their service where they encouraged people to share “God sightings”

During each of those very two different times in my journey I had been nudged by God to share. However, in reality I really never understood its true purpose for me….UNTILL now! ….my “Ah-Ha” moment!

Each was a time to be obedient to God,  ….each was a time to see just how God works through people to get things done…but, that’s not all,because on my journey of building my relationship with God, to become closer and more obedient to Him, to lean in and Trust Him with every part of my life….something else came out of all of it….

                  I finally had JOY!!!

Why? How? Because now, no matter what is going on, I calmly, patiently, sit back and watch God work and wait to see His creativeness in problem solving! It has become a great source of entertainment to me. It has brought me closer to God and become like this ‘thing’ we have together.

This mind frame became more apparent to me on a day as I was listening to a sister Christian describe an ongoing situation that we had been working on ( Her, Me and most Importantly GOD). So one day during our conversation I told her ” just you wait….God will do something so creative and out of the box to help you. Something you nor I could EVER conceive of!

                        My joy…

My joy is knowing that God has me, and the fun of it all is waiting to see in what creative way He will help!

The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace.
Romans 8:6 NIV

I hope you too will find your FUN and JOY in God’s relationship with you!

Colleen Moore
Works Inspired in Faith