Works Inspired In Faith

My mission and vision can be simple or complex. The simplest version is to wake up everyday and ask God what I can do for Him today. How may I serve others in glory to Him.

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Faith ~ Fellowship ~ Gospel

Letters Home…third letter

Photo by Colleen Moore Dear Friends,2/1/20Jesus replied, " you do not now realize what I am doing, but later you will understand. "  John 13:7 I keep these words close to my heart, I have always believed there was a reason for everything and although life can be...

Giving Thanks…

Photo by Colleen Moore Along my journey their was so much healing to be done. So many feelings that were of pain , despair, and angst. I came to this point where it was time to switch my focus....for a new lesson, a new practice.... Giving thanks. Ephesians 5:20always...


Photo by Colleen Moore John 1:1 NIVIn the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. Scriptures guide me, comfort me, inspire me and teach me. Luke 24:46 NIVThen he opened their minds so they could understand the Scriptures. I truly wish...


photo by Colleen Moore It sometimes confuses me when someone says that God never changes. How can that be so? I think he is ever evolving. We cannot know his plan but we can look back and see how things have and are changing..... evolving. Luke 9:56For the son of man...


photo by Colleen Moore, Geroskipou, Cyprus Roman's 5:3&4 NIVNot only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance , character and character hope. In suffering there is fear...and if you fear while...

Your way, Your will, Your time!…Father God…

photo by Colleen Moore Your way, Your will, Your time..Faher God! Mark 14:36 NIV"Abba. Father," he said, " everything is possible for you. Take this cup from me. Yet not my will, but what you will." I'm just on this part of my journey,  season, as some call it,...

Live It!!

Geroskipou , Cyprus. Photo by Colleen Moore Our greatest moments of decipleship come from our weaknesses,  pain, tragedy and bad choices. Once we have healed recovered , and learned. Once we have forgiven ourselves and others, it is then that we can inspire...

Prayer to Father God….

photo taken in Cyprus by Colleen Moore, artist unknown Prayer to Father God... 1 John 1:2-4 NIVConsider it our joy my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds , because you know the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance...

Coins from God…..

Coins from God... Job 38-41Who provides food for the raven when its young cry out to God and wonder about for lack of food? I have not yet shared any of these stories ( publicly) . Only to a select few. My  best friend Kate, because I feel close enough to her to...

Letters Home, Thetford

Thetford, UK Photo by Colleen Moore While in Italy I did not make it to church except hearing the Pope and happening in on the service at St Paul's basilica, all of which were in Italian, this being said I was yearning to be with God and Christian fellowship. Because...