Works Inspired In Faith

My mission and vision can be simple or complex. The simplest version is to wake up everyday and ask God what I can do for Him today. How may I serve others in glory to Him.

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Faith ~ Fellowship ~ Gospel

Use what you know…

Use what you know…

When I write, I do put so much of me into it. It's not to draw attention to me...I'd rather not, its uncomfortable exposing one's self, being vulnerable. But without doing so, you remain lonely....isolated. For we are co-workers in God’s service; you are God’s field,...

You see me as brave?

You see me as brave?

You See me as Brave? Several times over the last several months people have described me as brave. I have now heard or read this about me no less than ten times...and it still leaves me speechless! If that is what you are seeing or feeling about me....then what you...



Roman's 14:7-8 NIVFor none of us lives for ourselves alone, and none of us dies for ourselves alone. If we live, we live for the Lord; and if we die, we die for the Lord. So, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord. Why are we humans so opposed to the terms,...

Trees and Churches…..

Trees and Churches…..

Geroskipou , Cyprus all photos by Colleen Moore photos                   Trees and Churches I have done a bit of traveling in the states. You know, weekend get aways and short...

What is the state of your heart?

What is the state of your heart?

Its not about "being busy" ...its about the state of your heart in anything that you do! Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters,Colossians 3:23 NIV I have been called to serve, and that means I am cleaning...

Putting God First!

Geroskipou , Cyprus. Photo by Colleen Moore Putting God First!You can go through life as a person that puts others first. I did that! So why was I so miserable? It seemed that no matter what I did , I failed. Parts of my life were successful. Sometimes I was a good...

Who are you Dependant on?

Geroskipou , Cyprus. Photo by Colleen Moore Another one of God's lessons for me..... I had fully submitted to Him....or so I thought. But it seems that I still had things to let go of. Luke 18:16:17But Jesus called the children to him and said, “Let the little...

Game changer!….Community, Family…your tribe!

I spent so much time in isolation, I needed this! Jesus spent 40 days wondering the desert and he would go off alone and pray. We all need our time alone. But just like most things in life there needs to be a balance. So now on this part of my journey I need to find...

Letters Home…first letter

Photo by Colleen Moore Hello my friends!I have arrived safely, it was an adventure just getting here. I made a small mistake at security and was searched, luckily not a totally invasive one LOL but you know leave it to me! Then of course to top it off all my bags were...

Letters Home…Naples and Pompeii

Photo by Colleen Moore Dear Friends,     Happy New Year!! I hope that you all are also Facebook friends with me, it turns out that sending pictures on email has its limitations. There fore I have been posting them on FB. I still however will send these...