Today my day started with poo on my shirt, on my arm and squished in my watch band! It was a perfect day!

Why? How can poo be so “great”?
Because that poo represented so many prayers answered!

I call on you, my God, for you will answer me; turn your ear to me and hear my prayer.
Psalms 17:6 NIV

I am so grateful for my sister Christian’s. That we can come together over whatsapp , meet in zoom to worship and pray together and that we share in Youversion devotional plans together. All of that is helping us build our personal relationships with God. BUT……..

Sometimes, you just need a hug….or your sister is not having a good day ( or week or 4!) In those times you just want to sit next to them, put your arm around their shoulder and let them know you are there…even if no words are exchanged. I am talking about having real human contact!

That poo….was God’s answer to me when I thanked him for all of the above but then pleaded and explained ( ok like God needs anything explained but I really wanted Him to know why I was asking for what I was!) So I explained that I AM HUMAN! Humans need physical interaction. After praying for this….God did his usual and provided in the most unexpected way!

He didn’t just answer that prayer, He graciously answered others at the same time!

That poo came with this tiny human that needed me to hold him, play with him, teach him English! ( good thing his mom wanted me to speak to him in English being I did not know the other two languages this little guy is accustomed to! )

That poo came with a personal, thirty year trained chef, in both baking and culinary! And this girl just went through five months of barely eating!

That poo came with clothes that I didn’t realize I needed ( trust me I did need them, but I would have just been ok with the worn inadequate clothes for the climate that I had).

That poo came with an income!!! Something I had not had for over two years! God provides and he knew that me having my own source of income would boost my confidance, I mean who doesn’t want to be able to provide for themselves?

My dear friends….God answers prayers! Are you ready for the incredibly ingenious way that God may answer yours?

You answer us with awesome and righteous deeds, God our Savior, the hope of all the ends of the earth and of the farthest seas,
Psalms 65:5 NIV

Colleen Moore
Works Inspired in Faith