While in Italy I did not make it to church except hearing the Pope and happening in on the service at St Paul’s basilica, all of which were in Italian, this being said I was yearning to be with God and Christian fellowship. Because without it that evil entity sure does love to mess with you!
My journey so far has been very rewarding as God has brought many people before me so that I may witness or just be a light in their life so that they  know someone cares, however, God also made me aware that he had some healing left to do within me. And, well that came up! I have been feeling a little off, insecure to be honest. This is an old wound that is in need of work. So today I wrote in my journal that I needed guidance as to why He brought me here. What is my purpose and that I needed some reassurance that I am doing all that he wants and quite frankly I was stressed thinking that I was not good enough , working hard enough or that I was messing up to much for this family. ( you know how in America we get all excited and say ‘OH MY GOD” ? Well that’s frowned upon here, then ,and I had my shoes off, which is another thing I keep forgetting to do, I tucked my feet under me on the sofa and this was brought to my attention, and of course today while cleaning out the goat pen i broke a rake, oy vey!) all little things right? Nope , for me,my mind made them huge! so I prayed, well tonight at church with Tracy, the service was spectacular, they had a guest speaker and we talked about listening to God and then we paired up and practiced. Since Tracy and I did not really know each other we decided to go ahead and pair off. She was to listen to God and give me words of encouragement , a scripture, and what God tells her my purpose in the church is to be. So she did this, God had answered my prayer and now I know that she feels blessed to have me helping her and she talked about my mission and how strong my faith is.

So what is my point in all this? It’s to always listen! Pray for your needs and act on what God is telling  you. I am living  proof of what your life can become when you turn your heart and life over to Him. It’s not easy, I know, and as you read I still struggle and question that it is God I am hearing and not my own desires, but I can tell you, this journey, although the pics are pretty spectacular has had its struggles. I however, look at each one as something that God is teaching me. I sinserly hope that this speaks to someone and that they are listening, as I learned the other day God gives us nudges, I encourage you to act on that nudge, you will find amazing blessings in them as I have here on my journey.

  Ok now to some fun stuff! I love learning local lingo and I have shared a little of the Italian I have learned, but this is England so english right? LOL not so much. They have many different dialects and accents like we do, and speaking of that, I never get tired of people smiling and saying they like me accent hehehehe! Some I am sure you have heard, like Boot is a trunk, bonnet is the roof of the car but here are a couple of ones I think are interesting. Decorating, it is not adding frilly stuff to a room, it is actually painting. dodgey, this one is just fun, the other day while out a woman said I had dodgey money ( I had old coins they do not use here anymore which the bank exchanged) So this word means can’t be trusted. Now they next word, rummen, was said during a conversation between gran dad that is 93 and his grandson that is 19. when i asked what it meant  grand dad laughed sheepishly and it took a while for someone to be able to explain it. Apparently it is a word used to describe someone that has many emotions that run back and forth. I guess we say they are bipolar, its the closest I can come to an example. Putting it on paper does not fully convey the way they all acted trying to explain this. ( it was very mysterious and funny)

Today I also seen and tasted their version of a hot dog which came in a can. They are a bit smaller than ours and taste like the cheapest lowest grade hot dog we sell. One thing I am in love with is the gravy which is served most nights, as it is often put in chips ( french fries) it is a brown gravy and absolutely delicious, then I found out it is made out of some kind of granuals, whoa! it was not home made and I loved it! so I mentioned FF are chips, well chips are crisps, and cookies are biscuits or digestives, sure don’t understand that one.
Samuel loved this one, he asked what we call the clothes we wear under our clothes, they call them shorts or boxers, I told him Skivies…LOL Then we talked a bit about money, They don’t say Pound much, they say quid. And I have been quite confused on what to say if an item is let’s say 0.79…well they say 79 P
Tomorrow is Sunday and we have 2 church services to go to, I hope you have enjoyed a little of the culture it has been interesting.
I’d like to ask for prayers for Tracy, she has requested my help on the farm because she broke 2 ribs about a month and half ago and there is so much to do that she is unable to right now, So if we could please pray for her full recovery, thank you! Also I feel God has placed me here to help Samuel in some way , he is a great kid so not sure what it is but if we can say some prayers for him ,please.

God Bless to all, I love and miss you!

Colleen Moore
Works Inspired in Faith