Knowing who we are and whose we are!
                     Your Identity!

I have 2 fathers in my life, ( had). I can sadly say that neither gave me any positive insight. So when I completely and fully submitted myself to God…poor God had so much work to do. He had to find ways to convince me that love existed. He made me feel his love, protection, guidance and shows me everyday that He does not break his promises. God , through His love for me has and still is, showing me how to love myself. To value myself. To forgive and accept myself.

To do this I had to examine my identity. God, again assisted in this. He put me in situations that tested me, and when I would write back home,  this opened a door for a conversation.

The following is an excerpt from a letter I wrote home during my journey:

I bit down on my lip, biting back tears and frustrations. My heart aches at all the negativity. It’s been over a week since I have been really noticing it. It takes me so long to come out of my shell around new people that I must over look things, things l like hurtful words. 



Knowing how that person perceived me, gave me courage. It made me think. Gave me a direction to work on. And that direction, was my own inner voice spewing lies about my identity. And when I doubted myself I was doubting Gods love for me his belief in me and who he made me to be!

           Take an identity inventory!

Think about what you are really good at and what you think you are not. Then reach out and ask someone. Get a mix of people that know you well and ones that have limited interactions with you. This will give you real insight as how people see the real you versus what you think you present to others. Be bold and go for it!

                       Why do this?

To help you grow, and a bonus, it will help you build connections with others! ( More to come on connecting with others…..)

What can you suggest to help others discover their identity? Share in comments and let’s have a healthy conversation!

Colleen Moore
Works Inspired in Faith