I can’t and won’t do this alone!

Dear God,
Thank you for all the people in my life and all the ones yet to come!

We were never meant to be alone. After God made Adam he knew that Adam needed a companion, so He created Eve.
(Found in Genesis 3)

When I started on this journey I was alone. I needed this time to heal and grow. I appreciate, respect and admire how God does this. He put me through situations, hardships and suffering to help me become stronger, wiser, more confident.

God made me face fear. He made me totally uncomfortable at times.

My biggest fear is failure. Failing others to be more discript. God blessed me with a serving heart, but that lead to being a total people pleaser. I always look to help others but learning to accept help, to me, that was weakness. To me that said I am a failure. I also suffered with selfishness. Seems that a giving heart when it does not come from the right place, from God, can have negative consequences. Sin.

So again God put me through situations that would guide me through how to give and accept. So now , after much delay this website is up and running.

First I thank God! Next I thank Jamie Turner for all his knowledge and experience and for graciously, without asking for anything in return, a pure heart he is! I thank him for hosting this site.

Next I thank Heather McLaughlin. I have known this woman since we were teens. As life would have, we drifted apart after high-school. She came back into my life a bit ago but as I was in a process of ‘becoming’ I did not engage much ( with many people to be honest). So when I reached out to her to ‘pic her brain’ about how to build this site I felt ,bad, like a user to be honest. I know that’s not me though. I tried to explain to her and apologize for not communicating more. Heather with her big heart and just all around amazingness ( exactly like I remembered her) did not skip a beat in making my feel ok. She ended up doing more than guiding me through the process, she built this site!

So the time came. Jamie had put the domain online and Heather had all the information she needed. The next day began as every other day. I packed up and was heading to Jamie’s to borrow his internet. On the way I stopped at the Bakery, not for coffee or treats , but to use their free internet. I wanted to call Kat and let her know I was on my way to Jamie’s. My plan was to wait to open the site, but……I did not. I opened, I saw, and I cried! It was way more than I had hoped for! Heather…..I just cannot put into words my total gratitude for you. Not just for the site, but that’s HUGE, but for accepting my long delay in remaking connections with you. I miss you, although I promise not to put you up to any more antics, we are, thankfully, adults now!

God bless you Heather and Jamie!

Kat…I mentioned this name briefly above. Her full name is Katerina Valcheva. This woman is an enormous part of my world!

Making connections,  intimate, real and lasting connections has been another struggle. I have worked nearly two years to build my relationship with Christ and so it was time to be with humans. God gave me this when he put Kat in my path. I will write more about her another time, but for now, what you need to know, is that I love this Christian sister and I am thankful to be serving God with her!

Now, I thank all of you. Friends, family , social media family. All that have been following me, supporting me and encouraging me on this journey. Please continue with me! ( make sure to susbscribe!)

I can’t and won’t be doing this alone!

God Bless each and everyone of you!

Colleen Moore
Works Inspired in Faith