There are blessings that God has bestowed upon me that as I describe them here they will probably have you shaking your head and saying ‘so what? Is that all? Really?”

Yesterday I went out as usual to access internet at the bakery. I had a €5 bill and €3.71 in coins. I continplated getting a pack of smokes and decided that if I was to find the €0.09 needed I would go ahead.

That day I was also craving meat and in the back of my mind knew I would need to get a box of filters for €0.85.

After the bakery I made my way to the town square checked messages off the internet there then headed home via the route around the church and through the park. I had often found coins there. Sure enough I found several! Just €0.01 and I’d have enough for smokes. However, once I got home, I felt the urge to recount, like I knew that I had miss identified one of the coins and there was enough. Well…..there was!!!

Later I headed back to the square. No messages or emails so I decided to check on entry to Bulgaria and then flights. I however was not feeling it was time yet. Yet, I could get a flight on June 10 with my checked bag for under €50 and it was from Paphos which is close to me. I was standing there thinking about the PCR test when a stranger approached and asked me about testing. That conversation lead me to ask him about the PCR for travel ( versus the rapid test he was asking about). He informed me where and that he believed it was €70 which was way more than I had, plus my friend told me he paid €30.

Next thing I did was to call Kate and tell her the info on the flight. It was a Monday but she answered. She was driving. She ended up telling me she didn’t think she could be ready for at least a couple of months. I then revealed to her that I wasn’t getting the go ahead yet so this all worked out fine. Besidea God had graced me with a job now ( an answered prayer!) I was making about €30 a week, which buys food, cooking fuel, and I have saved some money. Plus for the first time in my life I was tithing! That right there has brought me the most joy!

While talking to Kate I told her how I was craving meat but I couldn’t bring myself to buy it ( from bakery) because I’d feel guilty thinking I could probably buy 3 days worth of food. She encouraged me to do it, to enjoy the blessing of my hard work and send her a pic…lol.

So I decided not to go to the bakery but just past it to the other place that was structured the same. I was thinking of getting sweet and sour pork and theirs was the best, but a bit more expensive then the bakery. Anyways , I could look there and always go back to bakery if I decided not to buy from the second place.

On my way into the shop I saw a coin on the ground, ( to explain the significance of the coins read my piece ” The Three Coins”) I did not retrieve the coin because a gentleman was sitting at a table right by it, but I smiled and thanked God and entered. This place unlike the Bakery did not have all the prices listed by the food so I took a moment to read over their list of items and prices. Turns out there was no sweet and sour pork and what I had the previous time was chicken…lol I decided on the sweet chili pork and it was only €3.90 for the small portion, which for me turns into three servings. On my way out I looked and saw the gentleman at the table was gone so I retrieved the coin, €.01 which meant I had €1.16 left, ( not including the €3.80 for the smokes).

On the way back, although I was not craving sweets I felt like checking to see if the bakery had /sold the chocolate lava cake by the slice. If they did, and it was €1.16 or less I decided I would get it……they did not have it…so I headed back to the square. I wanted to take a picture for Kate and send it to her.

After sending the pic I headed home via the rout past the market. Enroute I decided to get a pepsi, ( this was odd because I am not much a soda person and when I do it is usually Sprite). Went to store got a soda, a COLD can ( blessing! I don’t have refrigeration so a cold anything is a blessing!) Turned out it was only €0.50, so while paying I decided to go ahead and also get the smokes. After paying there was still change in my wallet.

I left the store and started home again, but just a few steps out the door there on the ground was a coin…a €0.20 coin! That’s significant!! ( that’s alot of money!) I smiled a huge smile and prayed to God thanking him. I told him that His blessings this whole day were so much more than I deserved at all!

Earlier as I was on my phone at the square a gentleman approached, he was this man I would see when I first got to Cyprus and was in Paphos. He road a motor bike and would always be selling fruit. He approached and offered me orangea for €4. I was a bit distracted on my phone and shook my head no, he then said €2 I told him no and said I had no money. He road off. IMMEDIATELY  I felt terrible! I wanted to chase him down, but I didn’t?? I prayed to God right there and asked for his forgiveness….did I do the wrong thing? I mean €4 for 4 oranges was not good and neither was even €2 . I felt relief, and it was not till writing this right now I realize it was not for not buying his oranges I was repenting for. It was because I lied and said I had no money……I own that! Need a way to say no when it is appropriate without lying! ( see God is always providing lessons to help us, especialy when we are open to them!. And this all happened before I walked through the park and found the coins).

So…. anyways…once back in my flat I had decided to count my coins…. guess how much I had?????

If you came up with €0.85 you’d be exactly correct! AND…if you remeber from the very beginning one of the things I was needing was for €0.85. So everything I had mentioned , God had fulfilled. And mind you, I never ASKED God for these things, I knew I could live without any of them. The were not necessities, they were all luxuries!

All things that must seem trivial to you,   but to me…HUGE UNDESERVING BLESSINGS from God!!!

Are you seeing God’s Blessings for you?

He replied, “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it.”
Luke 11:28 NIV

Colleen Moore
Works Inspired in Faith