Coins from God…

Job 38-41
Who provides food for the raven when its young cry out to God and wonder about for lack of food?

I have not yet shared any of these stories ( publicly) . Only to a select few. My  best friend Kate, because I feel close enough to her to share my deepest faith with. She gets me, accepts me more so than I feel others would if I shared too deeply, too personally.

Psalms 62:8
Trust in Him at all times you people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge.

The story of the coins started about six moths ago. They give me hope, make me smile and make me see God with creativeness AND a sense of humor!

I was pretty down, struggling with my circumstances. I hadn’t lost faith, but I did need to learn to lean in and trust God even more. When we do this, we get closer to Him, we build our relationship with Him, bringing it to another level.

I had finally gotten the keys to the flat that I would be working in to make it a livable place. There would be no water or electric in this flat but I’d have access to water I could bring in with buckets. So I dove in whole heartedly cleaning.

I didn’t stay there the first four nights because it was in such a state! But eventually, I cleaned the mold and cleared a big enough spot that I could stay. Now I could wake each day and spend more hours hauling water, removing items that had been ruined from water and mold damage and cleaning, scrubbing… much scrubbing! I did this with a happy heart though. I kept picturing the owner returning to her flat, she’s in her long gown sipping coffee and staring out over the patio to the beautiful view of the sea. Her mind at ease and she is smiling.

Ultimately it took me more than two months to make the flat clean, free from the mold, dirt and the baby birds!( I had to wait for them to mature so I could remove them safely and clean that patio!) But before I was finished I had my sad day, my day I was afraid for how I was going to survive. My money was about out! I had to stay in a hostel longer than I had planned. Then I helped a friend out, ok many people and the plan I thought I had to earn an income was just not coming together!

This is when God told me I’d find three coins. I just replied…well ok!

I found the first one while cleaning something I thought had been completely gone through. It was a very small and old coin worth one cent. I smiled so huge!! “OK God…I hear ya!”

The second coin I found while sweeping under the bunk in the back of the flat. This one was also small, but shiny and worth two cents!  I rescued it and  I looked up to the sky and giggle so loud! ” thanks God! You are awesome! “

The third coin came the next day. I was stripping a bunk bed of all the linens. They were ruined! When I got down to the last layer, underneath was a third coin! I really full on laughed, smiled ear to ear…God you are amazing!

Now these were not enough to buy anything, yet, but God keeps bringing me coins!

One day I had just ate the last egg and piece of bread. I had zero ideas of what I was going to do next. In my pocket I had one euro thirty three cents from coins I had continued to find. I bought a banana, a roll and a small bag of these bagal bite things. I figured that was breakfast and lunch! So off I went on my regular trip to fill my water bottles and charge my power packs.

On the way , as I was passing a tree in the square my eye caught something….it was a one euro coin!!! This was enough to buy a six pack carton of eggs! I immediately looked up with a huge smile and thanked God! Like for real! So creative, unexpected , funny kind of…but totally needed! “I love you God! “

The next time, I was walking with my roommate. She was about three steps ahead of me and we were on our way , as usual, to fill our drinking water bottles. We were mid sentence and something caught my eye just to the left of where my friends foot had just been. There on the side walk was a two euro coin!! I looked up and said ” God…thank you!!” I told my friend what I found, hard to explain her look, mostly because she heard me thanking God out loud! But that coin bought a six pack of eggs and a loaf of bread! And once again it was just when the last of the last was gone!

So this brings me to today….The picture….

Once again I have found myself in the situation that the last of my provisions have been used. But I had been on a mission all day with a project and I had no concerns for this on my mind. So after preparing the potatoes, leak and lentils and packing them to take with me I headed to the Bakery ( my free internet spot) and was going to post the pics from earlier in the day and look up some scripture for a piece I was writing ( not this

As I entered the Bakery patio there were two tables to choose from, one was in the sun and I was going  to sit there because it was a bit chili. But then, I was  steered to my usual table that was not in the line of site of the door.

As I approached I was focused on the chair and where I’d set my pack… then….I turned my head to the table top and there sitting in the middle ……coins! Turns out, nighty cents in coins! Looking up, I smiled a huge smile, giggled and thanked God over and over. I am still shaking my head thinking of that moment.

So now the decision is, eggs or bread! Well that got settled once I got to the park and counted my coins ninety-nine! The exact amount for a six pack of eggs!

So….. weird? Amusing? Creative? Funny?

All of the above…but above all, it was God! He always provides, and bringing it to the wire each time has made me chill out, not stress. God has the reigns on that part and I focus on the things I do to serve others!

I encourage you, trust….lean into God ….build your relationship with Him! Having God as my center…is everything!

Isaiah 41:13
For I am the lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you.

Colleen Moore
Works Inspired in Faith