( he is not mine, but each day he comes and finds me. It wasn’t always like that. I had to be patient and earn his trust. To him, I am significant, I have never once fed him, I just pet him, talk to him sweetly and I am kind to him always.)


Have you ever felt insignificant in comparison to what you recieve? I have, way to often, I am sure.

I have laid down my life and taken up the cross. I live each day to serve God. With the life I have right now I HAVE to lean on, God ,trust, have faith in God for all my needs.

This has brought me closer to God and He has never let me down….not once! Some close calls. Food has run out but that same day something  would happen and provisions were had again! Through that series of repeated events I have been ever drawn closer to Him. My trust and faith runs so deep!

He does this all for me, and its huge! But I feel like what I do for Him is so very miniscule in comparison.

I am sharing what God has provided me, but with ,what,one person at a time. How is that possibly making a difference? This world is so huge….so many people are out there that I hope and pray would get to know Christ, to build a relationship with God……then there is me…..one person.

I have been reading this YouVersion plan. The Proverbs 31 woman….she is one woman. She seems like super woman though. Don’t get me wrong I love her story, she works hard, she is a smart investor. She provides for her family and community in many ways. God gifts us with the ability to work, I have worked hard my entire life. My parents instilled that ethic in me. So why does God call me to places that 1, my work is unconventional by human standards ( I recieve shelter for pay). And I don’t have a way to get a paycheck kind of job because I am in foreign countries without work visas. This perplexes me!

I write, as instructed. I work hard at that and love it….but it doesn’t pay! Some people get it to, but unlike the proverbs 31 woman a business sense has never been my strong point. Besides, I write what the spirit leads me to write, ( even this, I might later go back and edit it as this is turning out more like a diary entry! Or maybe this will resignate with someine…who knows!)

Its about faith and action. They are not two different entities. You can not have one without the other. Faith is not just a feeling, its doing. So If God provides a shelter for me and I then share that shelter with someone in need , I have faith  and this is exemplified through my actions. Faith is not coming from my thoughts, or emotions. It is showing to others through my actions. It is trusting and having faith in God that He keeps his promise ( to provide) and then I share that with another.

James 2:18
But someone will say,” You have faith. I have deeds.”
Show me your faith without deeds and I will show you my faith by my deeds.

We are not insignificant,  I am NOT insignificant.  It matters not how great or small my deeds may be….they are a demonstration of my faith!

Colossians 3:23
Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters.

So when I walk down the street and take a moment to engage with the street cleaner and wish her a Happy Easter and thank her for the great job she does; when I open whatsapp and leave a message for someone to let them know I am thinking and praying for them, when I write, I am acting on my faith. The significance of each action in its self may seem ‘insignificant ‘. But doing and living  each day according to how Christ , how God’s will is leading me….thats significant!

Ephesians 2:10
For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advanced for us to do.

This means that no matter what work we are doing it was all designed by God. Everything we do can be used to glorify God….Everything.

How are you living  your faith?

Colleen Moore
Works Inspired in Faith