Human work & pay vs Godly work & pay

Although this comes off as a letter to my parents. I believe this is a real life situation that others may have been through or are going through. Feel free to share in the comments what you are going through or words of wisdom.

Dear Mom and Dad,
There is this rift between us. It is small, but I sincerely hope that it does not grow.

The other day on a post you said that Dad was asking what work I do while I am here. ( Cyprus). This felt like a trap and I should have stopped and prayed. Although I gave you an answer I feel this subject requires more depth.

I know that you and Dad are Christians. I am ever so thankful for you both. For your prayers that I would return to Christ. I just don’t think you realized how far I would go, how deep my faith and how much I would commit to serving Christ!

This is where our rift is. You and dad have been such hard workers all your life. You have made a good life for yourselves and provided for your families ( yours and his). You two taught us the value of work. Dads words ” do it right or do to do it at all” are forever etched in my brain. Because of those examples you both set I worked really hard! Raising a family, going to college, and later climbing the corporate ladder. I had achieved much! In your eyes I could see with each promotion how proud you were of me. And partially that was a driving force.

But….when I came back to Christ, when I surrendered ALL of me to Him, serving others, following His plan for me. I lost a part of you two. You hounded me about finding a job and I sincerely put all my effort into doing that! It was just not Gods will for me. God had other plans…..and thats where I am now.

I have no regrets. I sold or gave away everything I owned. Those are material and in doing so I gained more than I could have ever imagined!

GOD sent me on this journey and the work I do is His work. Thats my job to answer your question. That job changes as he sends people to me to help. Sometimes I am working a farm. Sometimes I am cleaning and organizing someones home. Sometimes I am just listening and offering  encouragement to someone. Sometimes I give whatever I have at the time because the other person needs it and I know God will find a way to provide. That’s His promise to His people!

Mom and Dad, I live my life according to what God is asking me to do….the pay is not the same as humanly pay, I don’t get a paycheck. Sometimes I have slept on the streets or given someone else my sleeping bag and stayed up all night so they could rest. Sometimes I go to sleep with my stomach growling,  so that someone else can eat. All of that….thats my pay. My pay is knowing that I have , and in most situations seems so little, but I have helped someone. My pay is knowing that when I go home and stand before Father God, I will recieve a hug!

Mom…Dad…I pray that you two can see that not all work and pay is the same….I chose God and his work and pay!

I love you both! Thank you!
Colleen Moore
Works Inspired in Faith