Works Inspired In Faith

My mission and vision can be simple or complex. The simplest version is to wake up everyday and ask God what I can do for Him today. How may I serve others in glory to Him.

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Faith ~ Fellowship ~ Gospel

Gratitude, Thanks!

Gratitude, Thanks!

 I can't and won't do this alone! Dear God,Thank you for all the people in my life and all the ones yet to come! We were never meant to be alone. After God made Adam he knew that Adam needed a companion, so He created Eve.(Found in Genesis 3) When I started on...

Relationships change and grow….

Relationships change and grow….

In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus:Philippians 2:5 NIV Today I sent a message to a dear friend........ Last night as we video chatted she told me her fiance was going to apply for a Visa lottery, however the previous years...

Dream your/His Dreams!

Dream your/His Dreams!

( photo is my Sister Christian and I in our 5 hr video chat, brainstorming and dreaming!) For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.Then you will call on me and come and pray...

My day of Poo…..

My day of Poo…..

Today my day started with poo on my shirt, on my arm and squished in my watch band! It was a perfect day! Why? How can poo be so "great"?Because that poo represented so many prayers answered! I call on you, my God, for you will answer me; turn your ear to me and hear...

Jesus as God….Jesus as man…

Jesus as God….Jesus as man…

I fully admit, I struggle with understanding Jesus as man and Jesus as God. What do I mean? Who then is the one who condemns? No one. Christ Jesus who died—more than that, who was raised to life—is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us.Romans 8:34...



because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.James 1:3 NIV I knew beyond a showdow of a doubt that this was not one of those situations where stumbling blocks were warning me off. This was a time to stretch my compacity and help me to grow!...

You Don’t always have to say “yes”….

You Don’t always have to say “yes”….

Sometimes it is about saying "No". Another lesson we may have to that it is OK to say "No". For me this was a struggle, mostly in one area of my life. But God has His beautiful and creative ways to point out that He sees more and is guiding us to recognize...



Everyone's journey is different. I have gone through my life always feeling I have been living it backwards. Maybe this is because I have had to have so many life events to experience so that God could then use me to bring others to Him..... I accept this! Luke...

When Life Became Joyous!

When Life Became Joyous!

            I had an " Ah-Ha" moment! Life with God is not immunity from difficulties, but peace in difficulties. — C.S. Lewis When I was in England the Church I attended had a part in the service when people were...

Are you Content?

Are you Content?

Being content is NOT a demonstration of lack of ambition! Quite the opposite, it takes a lot of will power, discipline and ambition to go against the 'norm' and not always want more!! The other day I wrote my story of God's blessings. They were so much more than I...

Are you seeing God’s Blessings for you?

Are you seeing God’s Blessings for you?

There are blessings that God has bestowed upon me that as I describe them here they will probably have you shaking your head and saying 'so what? Is that all? Really?" Yesterday I went out as usual to access internet at the bakery. I had a €5 bill and €3.71 in coins....